Georgia’s Skulls

Red, White, & Blue by Georgia O’Keefe

By Georgia O'Keefe

By Georgia O’Keefe

Love this project inspired by one of my all time favorite women artists, Georgia O’ Keefe.


I started out leading the kids in a guided drawing using the  document camera.  We got the basic  ORGANIC shape and then they used charcoal and chalk to add value and color.

2014-04-07 15.13.05Angela Davis

2014-04-07 15.11.52 John Gabbard


2014-04-07 15.11.58 Sierra Nolan


2014-04-07 15.12.05  April Morgan2014-04-07 15.12.11 Lucas Hansman

2014-04-07 15.12.21 Billy Neeley


2014-04-07 15.12.34  Shelby Dezarn

2014-04-07 15.12.42 Brittany Lyons



Pointillism with Creative Arts Class

My beginning art classes are called Creative Art. They recently did a project that was inspired by the pointillism of Georges Seurat. The millions of little dots he painted with have always fascinated me.  Here is a link that will give more information on the artist.


And you can see one of his more famous works here….

I have a few of their works in progress and will post the finished ones later on. They were given a suggestion to do something from nature but I told them they were free to choose any subject, therefore we got the occasional cartoon character. I really do not mind that when they work really hard as most of them did. I have several of these hanging in the hall in front of the art room.


The kids in my ARTS AND HUMANITIES class completed these cave art drawings back in January. They did a great job on them and I have been meaning to post pictures.  We use charcoal and chalk in Earthy colors.  They looked at the  examples from the caves of Lascaux in France. I had them hanging on display in the room for awhile. We got some positive feedback on them.:)